Tuesday, 4 December 2007

The Kite Runner - a fantabulous read

Been “Missing” from the BlogWorld a long time. A memory. A prediction: I would stop blogging after my GMAT was done. Well, I stopped much before that! And this is NOT to prove that wrong. It’s a funny thing, joblessness; it makes you do a lot of things.

I recently read “The Kite Runner.” It’s an interesting read; it makes you think. At least it made me think, made me retrospect. One can relate to it in so many different ways - a character, a relationship - the strained father-son relationship, the smitten-by-her-beauty love, or the life-with-a-guilt. The best part about the novel is that the characters are etched nicely and they do not change. The Coward doesn’t become a Knight overnight. The loyal, the submissive, remains so till the end.

Some of the quotes in the book are really good -
For you, a thousand times over.”
There is a way to be good again.”

Even though there has been so much talk about Afghanistan in the past few years, it wasn’t until I read this book did I come to know of the history of that country. The cruelty of the Taliban was still better known, lesser known, or rather unknown was the invasion of Russians and unrest for the decade preceding the Talibs. Not that the book broods over it, it presents, in snippets, the life and times of an Afghan, the hardships, the tortures he/she faced. But then one is tempted to think: It is “fiction” after all; as the saying goes, Ignorance is Bliss…