Tuesday 24 April, 2007

Almost Famous

The media has gone crazy over what they call "The wedding of the century" - the Abhiash wedding. Now I am confused if they called the Liz-Nayar wedding also the same, or was it "The most opulent wedding?"

Anyway, in the wedding of the century it took ten seconds to fame for Ms Jhanvi, apparently a model. All she had to do was go to the media-clumped Prateeksha, make some bullshit claims and slash some veins. And BANG, she’s on national news almost instantly and on the cover page the next day. Now the question really is whether this effort will pay off; whether her time on the hospital bed and in the jail cell will last her a lifetime?

I always thought that fame was not easy to get. But now, it seems, the news-hungry media is standing by the door, just waiting for any Tom, Dick and Harry to ring the bell...


Kant said...
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Kant said...

Ha Ha Ha...
But, this has been quite educative for many. Many people who didn't know what are the names of houses owned by Bachchan family (in Mumbai) and the distance between them are now well aware of the fact.

For all you know, in next season of KBC, we might see a question as:

Which of the following is the name of Mr. Bachchan's house:
a) Prathiksha b) Jannat c)Kadambari d) Aarzu

Well done Aaj-tak, NDTV, Star News...