Tuesday 10 April, 2007

I moved my cheese...

Recently (actually today only, but just in case you're reading this some other day) I got an award at my previous company. Now its not one of those "young acheiver" or "Mr. talented" awards which some have got, its a rather simple one, by the name "Best integrated team" and as you might have guessed by the name, it wasn't I who was lauded but the team. I am not boasting, read on. So, I got many calls from my ex-colleagues and not-yet-ex-friends to congratulate coz now my photo would be put up, but then does anyone really wanna see it? And does it really make much of a difference as to what I did when I was there? It was, after all, another time, another life...

Have you read "Who moved my cheese?"? All it talks about is change and how it affects you, rather adversely, and how to cope with it. But does reading such a book really make you invulnerable to change? All said and done, one does not cry, not even fret, about the change. Not because it is inevitable, but because it was your decision, your deliberated choice. But then that is what makes it all the more difficult. One opines whether it was a wrong choice after all, but I think one shud close that chapter and look forward to what is there to come. Because I believe that the best is still to come. Is it practical, is it not too ideal? I guess ambivalence is a way of life. You think and after weighing your options come up with a decision, but that decision haunts you for a long time. It seems to have many ifs and buts.

Now tell me, can you really sell the ferrari and become a monk? But thats beyond the scope...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i like ur efforts.. unlike other bloggers ur writing is simple and captivating, and specially this topic iam sure many can relate to,
keep up the good work and keep blogging....